Search for Fellowships

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Academy of Motion Pictures — Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting Each year up to five $30,000 fellowships are awarded to new screenwriters for an original feature film screenplay in English.
Academy of Motion Pictures — Student Academy Awards Annual Academy of Motion Pictures competition in which student filmmakers receive awards for films in four categories: animation, documentary, narrative, and alternative.
AIGA Worldstudio Scholarship Scholarships of $1,000-$3,000 for underrepresented or economically disadvantaged students in art and design.
American Association for Advancement in Science (AAAS) — Science and Technology Fellows Program AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellowships provides accomplished scientists and engineers the opportunity to participate in and contribute to the federal policy making process, while learning about the intersection of science and policy. Candidates with a master's degree in engineering and at least three years of post-degree professional experience may apply.
American Association of University Women (AAUW) Educational Foundation Fellowship International fellowships for full-time female graduate students – who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
American Bar Association (ABA) — Legal Opportunity Scholarship Fund This ABA program provides minority students applying to law school with the opportunity to attend for three years by giving $5,000 annually to each scholarship recipient attending an American Bar Association-accredited law school.
American Mathematical Society — Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student An annual award of $1,200 by the American Mathematical Society and the the Mathematical Association of America to an undergraduate student (or students having submitted joint work) for outstanding research in mathematics.
American Political Science Association (APSA) Minority Fellowship Program Fellowships of $4,000 for underrepresented students entering doctoral programs in political science who show promise of contributing to teaching and research in the field.
American Sociological Association (ASA) Minority Fellowship The ASA provides one $20,000 fellowship per year – typically renewable for up to three years – to a talented student of color in sociology for doctoral study of any of its core areas of mental health and drug abuse research.
Anderson Ranch Arts Center Artists-in-Residence Program Anderson Ranch offers artists residencies of approximately ten weeks designed to encourage the creative, intellectual and personal growth of emerging and established visual artists.
Allen Lee Hughes Fellowship Program The Hughes Fellowship aims to increase the participation of people of color in professional theatre through a 38-44 week fellowship at Arena Stage in Washington, D.C., one of the first not-for-profit theatres in the U.S.
Artist-in-Residency (AIR) Programs List (Mesart) See this list Mesart list for artist residencies organized by state.
Artist Residencies Directory (Artist Communities Alliance) Search The Alliance website for artist residency programs by residencies, organizations, and upcoming calls for applications.
National Parks "Arts in the Parks" Artist-in-Residence (AIR) Directory 
National Parks
This site centralizes artist-in-residence programs at National Parks throughout the country.
Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) Scholarships and Internships AAJA offers scholarships, internships and grants to outstanding undergraduate and graduate students sensitive to issues of importance to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and interested in pursuing careers in print, digitial, broadcast or photo journalism.
Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS) Programs and Initiatives AAJA’s programs and initiatives are central to its efforts to educate, connect, and support its members. Through early education, mentorship, professional development, and visibility AAJA promotes greater inclusion and opportunity for its community. With strong alumni activity, its programs forge life-long relationships and highlight the best of the best.


Bar Association of San Francisco — Bay Area Minority Law Scholarship The Bay Area Minority Law Student Scholarship provides financial assistance to qualified students from minority groups underrepresented in Bay Area law schools.
Bard College — The Bard Fiction Prize The Bard Fiction Prize offers a cash award and a one-semester appointment as a writer-in-residence at Bard College.
Boren Fellowship Boren supplements each Fellow's graduate degree program by funding language intensives abroad. In this way, Fellows develop or increase competency in their chosen language, and gain experience in the foreign country where they study. Boren Fellows study a wide range of critical languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Portuguese, and Swahili. Boren Awards are available to students of all proficiency levels who are committed to enhancing their skills, and to working for at least one year in the federal government.
Boren Scholarship Boren Scholarships provide up to one academic year of funding to U.S. undergraduates to study abroad in areas of the world critical to U.S. interests and underrepresented in study abroad. These countries include Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin American, and the Middle East.


California Change Lawyers — Diversity Scholarships The Diversity Scholarship seeks to support newly admitted law students from groups historically underrepresented in the legal profession who have committed to attending a California law school. Scholarship of up to $7,500 helps pay the costs of the first year of law school.
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: Junior Fellows Program Full-time year-long paid positions as research assistants for senior associates with the Carnegie Endowment, the first global think tank focused on the near-term possibilities for international peace and economic advance.
Chicana/Latina Foundation Scholarships The Chicana Latina Foundation awards merit-based scholarships to Latina undergraduate and graduate students, valued at $1,500 dollars each.
Choreographer Incubators, Residencies, and Performance Presenters List (Dance ICONS) Lists incubators, residencies, and performance presenters for new and emerging choreographers.
Complete Guide for Black, Indigenous, and people of color Students in STEM This resource identifies best practices to support Black, Indigenous, and people of color students in STEM. Its “Additional Resources” lists links to opportunities for Latinx, Black, Asian American, and Arab American students in STEM.
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) Fellowships and Internships CHCI offers public policy fellowships and internships to exceptional Latino undergraduates and recent college or graduate school students. Site also features a directory of scholarships for Latino students.
Congressional Hunger Center—Emerson National Hunger Fellowship The National Hunger Fellowship is an 11-month program that begins with a field placement in a community-based organization fighting hunger, and is followed by placement in a national organization in Washington, D.C. in the anti-hunger or anti-poverty movements.
Congressional Hunger Center—Leland International Hunger Fellowship The Congressional Hunger Center supports a diversity of local and national approaches to eliminate hunger, poverty and oppression and nurture a national network of creative and inspiring change agents who hope to create a country where access to nutritious, affordable, and culturally appropriate food is recognized as a basic human right.
Conservation Internships List (CSA) Student Conservation Association database of conservation internships by category.
Critical Language Scholarships (CLS) Critical Language Scholarships provide intensive language instruction and cultural enrichment experiences abroad to undergraduate and graduate students of Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bangla/Bengali, Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Punjabi, Russian, Turkish, and Urdu.
CSU – Dumke Fellowship This CSU Fellowship provides $1,400 for students in public policy, history, or economics to pursue archival research in CSU Special Collections, especially in American and California history, politics and economics, or other areas of California Studies.
CSU — California Pre-Doctoral Program California Pre-Doctoral Scholars receive $3,000 in funding to develop their candidacy for doctoral programs. Applicants propose how they will use these funds: for visits to Ph.D.-granting institutions, travel to professional meetings in their field, graduate school applications and test fees.
CSU — Council on Ocean Affairs, Science & Technology (COAST) Student Travel Awards COAST also has several internal programs that support CSU students through research funding, travel awards, and internships. The COAST student pages provide information on external funding opportunities, conferences, special short courses, and internships and jobs well-suited to current students and recent graduates.
CSU — Howard Christiansen Endowed Scholarship This $6,000 CSU scholarship is for undergraduate and graduate students in engineering.
CSU — Lahey Art Education and Visual Arts Scholarship The CSU offers one $10,000 scholarship each year to a CSU student pursing a high school single subject teaching credential in the arts, or if no students in this area apply, to an MFA or MA student in one of the visual arts specializations.
CSU — Schoettler Scholarship for Visually Impaired Students The Schoettler Scholarship supports selected visually impaired CSU students with a $10,000 academic year scholarship.
CSU — Trustees' Award for Outstanding Achievement The CSU Trustees’ Award is a merit based award to recognize CSU students who have overcome adversity, have financial need, and attributes of merit including superior academic performance, significant personal achievements, and exemplary community service. SF State may nominate up to two students for one of the twenty $6,000 awards awards annually.


DAAD — (Émigré Memorial German Internship Program) Bundestag Internship Program Short term internships in German State Parliaments for students planning careers in U.S. or Canadian regional government in the environment, education, and healthcare.
DAAD — German Studies Research Grant — Study Scholarship Highly qualified final year undergraduate students or those who have received an undergraduate or master's degree within the last six years may apply for the DAAD Study Scholarship for a full master's degree program at a German university, or for study at a German university as part of a postgraduate or master's degree program completed in the home country.
DAAD — Research Internships in Science and Engineering (RISE) Professional Program The RISE Professional Program places interns for 6 weeks – 6 months with German companies in biology, chemistry, engineering, geology and physics.
Davidson Institute — Fellows Scholarships This prestigious prize recognizes students under 18 who have completed an important piece of work in literature, mathematics, music, philosophy, science, technology or graduate level work in another field.
Davis Putter Scholarship The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund provides need-based grants of up to $10,000 to students actively working for peace and social and economic justice.
Department of Defense (DOD) — National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship The National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship is a highly competitive, portable fellowship for those who intend to pursue a Ph.D. in science and engineering in one of the 15 supported disciplines of research interest to the Department of Defense.
Department of Energy (DOE) — Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (DOE CSGF) Program This fellowship, renewable for a total of 4 years, provides tuition and fees, plus a yearly stipend for doctoral study in physical, engineering, computer, mathematical, or life sciences, with an emphasis in high-performance computing.
Department of State — English Language Fellow (ELF) Program The English Language Fellow Program sends experienced U.S. TESOL professionals on paid teaching assignments at universities and other academic institutions around the world.
Djerassi Artist Fellowship Program Residencies of about one month each are awarded competitively, at no cost, to emerging and mid-career national and international artists in choreography, literature, music composition, and visual and media arts – as well as to scientists (for the scientific session). Two weeks residencies are offered in the winter.
Doctoral Studies Scholarships List (Opportunity Desk) This online platform provides helpful information on upcoming scholarships for applicants of various nationalities to doctoral programs in the U.S. and abroad.


Echoing Green Two-year fellowship program provides $60,000 - $90,000 in seed funding and technical support to help social entrepreneurs turn their original high impact ideas into sustainable social change organizations working to solve deeply-rooted social, environmental, economic, and political inequities.
Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics The Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics Essay Contest is an annual competition designed to challenge college students to analyze the urgent ethical issues in today's complex world. The Foundation, rooted in the memory of the Holocaust, seeks to promote tolerance. Students are encouraged to write thought-provoking personal essays that raise questions, single out issues and are rational arguments for ethical action. Prizes range from $1,500 to $5,000.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) — Greater Research Opportunities (EPA GRO) Undergraduate Fellowships EPA GRO fellowships provide tuition and living expenses in the junior and senior year, and a paid summer internship, for undergraduates in environmentally-related fields.
Explorers Club — Exploration Fund Grants The Explorers Fund Exploration Fund provides grants to undergraduate, graduate, and early career post-doctoral students, in support of exploration and field research for those just beginning their research careers.
Explorers Club — Youth Activity Grants Explorers Club grants are offered to undergraduates conducting individual scientific or exploration research projects through their academic institution under the supervision of an instructor.


Fellowship Opportunities List (Opportunity Desk) This online platform provides helpful information on upcoming fellowship opportunities for U.S. citizens and citizens of other nations. Occasionally includes Artist-in-Residency programs.
Fellowships for Graduate Study Abroad List (Opportunity Desk) This online platform provides a comprehensive list of fellowships for U.S. and international students to study, conduct research or participate in conferences abroad.
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship Three years of support are provided to underrepresented graduate students studying for a Ph.D. or Sc.D. degree in the humanities, sciences, or social sciences.
Freeman-Asia Scholarship Freeman-ASIA (Awards for Study in Asia) scholarships support American undergraduates with demonstrated financial need who are planning to study overseas in East or Southeast Asia.
Fulbright U.S. Student Program Each year more than 2,000 students receive a Fulbright U.S. Student Grant to live and study, or work as teaching assistants, in one of more than 140 countries worldwide. Fulbright awards are in nearly all fields and disciplines, including the sciences, professional fields, and the creative and performing arts.
Fulbright UK Summer Institutes The Fulbright UK Summer Institutes are three-to-four week programs for U.S. undergraduates. Participants explore the culture, heritage and history of the UK while experiencing higher education at a UK university.


Gates Cambridge Scholarship Full funding for a degree at Cambridge for students of exceptional academic achievement and scholarly promise with a commitment to improving the lives of others.
Gilman International Scholarship Scholarships of up to $5,000 are awarded for study abroad for students or disciplines traditionally underrepresented in study abroad programs, or for study abroad outside Western Europe.
Goldwater Scholarship The Goldwater Scholarship Program awards 300 scholarships annually to foster excellence in mathematics, the natural sciences, and engineering and to encourage outstanding students to pursue advanced degrees and careers in these fields.
Google Lime Scholarship for Students With Disabilities A $10,000 scholarship for highly accomplished students with disabilities who are studying computer science or a related field.
Graduate Fellowships for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Diversity (GFSD) This program provides up to six years of funding for a Ph.D. in the physical sciences and related engineering fields, plus at least two summers of paid employment with a leading national employer such as the National Security Agency or the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
GRAPES Database (UCLA) UCLA's master database of scholarships, grants, fellowships, and postdoctoral awards is free-to-search for applicants to any graduate program, to graduate students working on a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation, and to postdoc scholars.
Greenlining Institute Leadership Academy Fellowship Greenlining Institute's acclaimed leadership academy trains the next generation of social change leaders. Its year-long Fellows Program is associated with Greenlining Coalition, one of the nation's most effective and longest lasting multi-ethnic coalitions of community-based organizations.


Harbage Fellowship Every year, the Peter Harbage Fellowship provides one exceptional young person a year-long experience to deepen learning and leadership capabilities in health care policy in California.
Harvard — Kennedy School of Government Public Policy and Leadership Conference (PPLC) The Kennedy School of Government's Public Policy and Leadership Conference equips students with a commitment to public service to prepare for graduate study in public policy and international affairs.
Headlands Center for the Arts — Artist in Residence (AIR) Program Headlands Center for the Arts awards fully sponsored residencies for artists of all disciplines—from visual artists to performers, musicians, writers, and videographers—at historic Fort Barry in the Marin Headlands, a part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
Hedgebrook Residency Hedgebrook supports visionary women writers whose stories and ideas shape our culture now and for generations to come with two to eight week fully subsidized writing residencies on Whidbey Island, about 35 miles from Seattle.
Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowship This unique "no-strings-attached" fellowship allows exceptional applied science and engineering students up to 5 years of support for doctoral studies at one of the program's tenable schools.
Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) Scholarships Scholarships of $1,000 to $5,000 are available on a competitive basis to Hispanic undergraduate and graduate students in any discipline.
Human Rights Watch Fellowship Graduates from specified master's programs work full-time for one year with Human Rights Watch divisions in New York City or Washington, monitoring human rights developments in various countries, conducting on-site investigations, and engaging in advocacy aimed at publicizing and curtailing human rights violations.
Humanity in Action The Humanity in Action Summer Fellowship programs take place in Amsterdam, Atlanta, Berlin, Copenhagen, Detroit, Sarajevo and Warsaw. An international group of fellows study the history of resistance to human rights abuses in the U.S. and Europe, and then work in international teams to complete research projects that address pressing host country minority rights issues.
Huntington Public Service Award This award provides $10,000 to a graduating senior to pursue one year of public service anywhere in the world following graduation and before going on to graduate school or a career.


Immigrants Rising — Entrepreneurship Fund Immigrants Rising’s Entrepreneurship Fund provides grants to undocumented entrepreneurs working to create positive social change.
Institute for Recruitment of Teachers (IRT) — Intern Summer Workshop and Associate Program The Institute for Recruitment of Teachers aims to "deepen the pool of talented minorities entering the teaching profession in our country." Through its Summer Workshop and Associate Program, IRT supports outstanding students during the graduate school application process who are committed to addressing the critical underrepresentation of minority groups on school and college faculties.
Institute for Women's Policy Research — Chamberlain Fellowship in Women and Public Policy Under this program, fellows work for nine months at the Institute for Women's Policy Research as a researcher or communications assistant on policy issues related to economic and social justice for women.


Japan International Monetary Fund (IMF) — Scholarship Program for Advanced Studies (JISP) This program funds the first two years of doctoral study for Japanese nationals in applied macroeconomics.


Kala Artist-In-Residence Program Kala provides below-market one-, two- or three- month studio-only residencies to artists working in print and digital media. allowing access to its facilities on a full- or part-time basis.
Keck Graduate Institute (KGI)/CSU—MS in Community Medicine (MSCM) Program "Your Path from CSU to Medical School": This 2-year MSCM program is fully online in the first year, and in the second year includes an internship with a community health organization
Knowles Science Teaching Foundation (KSTF) Fellowship This five-year program provides financial support and mentoring to beginning science and mathematics high school teachers as they earn a teaching credential and through the early years of their teaching careers.


Madison Graduate Fellowship The Fellowship provides funding for master's level study of American history or government by future and experienced secondary school teachers of American history, American government, and social studies.
Marshall Scholarship Marshall Scholarships provide funding to young Americans of high ability and leadership potential to study for two years for a degree in any discipline at any university in the United Kingdom.
Master's/Postgraduate Studies Scholarships List (Opportunity Desk) This online platform provides helpful information on scholarships for applicants of various nationalities to master's/postgraduate programs in the U.S. and abroad.
MD/PhD Trainee Resources and Funding Opportunities Maintained by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), this site provides valuable information about the MD/Ph.D. dual degree, current MD/Ph.D. programs, and summer research opportunities for undergraduates who will pursue an MD/
Mississippi Teacher Corps (MTC) Mississippi Teacher Corps, the most competitive teaching program in the country affords structured entry into the teaching profession for outstanding liberal arts graduates who have never before taught, and provides dedicated, talented teachers for critical-needs school districts in Mississippi.
Mitchell Scholarship Each year 12 Scholars with a deep commitment to public service are selected for one year of postgraduate study in any discipline offered by institutions of higher learning in Ireland and Northern Ireland. This graduate fellowship is for the early stages of graduate study, usually a one-year master's degree program.


National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) — Internships NASA internships provide undergraduate and graduate students with the opportunity to participate in either research or other experiential learning, under the guidance of a mentor at NASA.
National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science — GEM Fellowship Programs Full fellowships with paid internships to highly qualified underrepresented students to pursue an MS in Engineering or a Ph.D. in Engineering or Science.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) — National Biosafety and Containment Training Program (NBBTP) Fellowship The 2-year NBBTP Fellowship prepares fellows for a career in biosafety and biocontainment through academic training, mentoring projects, travel to off-site conferences and training sessions.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) — Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program The National Institutes of Health (NIH) OxCam program is an accelerated PhD program, which allows scholars to complete an individualized, research-based PhD in approximately 4 years, significantly less than the average PhD program.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) — Postbaccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) This program provides recent college graduates planning to apply to graduate or professional (medical, dental, or pharmacy) school with an opportunity to spend one or two years performing full-time biomedical research in the resource-rich environment of the NIH.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) — Summer Internship Program (SIP) in Biomedical Research This program provides an opportunity to spend the summer working with leading scientists in biomedical research at one of the National Institutes of Health intramural laboratories.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) — Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP) This program provides up to 4 years of funding, at $20,000 per academic year, to exceptional undergraduates from disadvantaged backgrounds pursuing careers in biomedical, behavioral, and social science health-related research. Paid summer research at the NIH is provided and, after graduation, employment and training at the NIH.
National Science Foundation (NSF) — Central Europe Summer Research Institute Fellowship (CESRI) The Central Europe Summer Research Institute provides graduate students in the sciences and engineering with a high-quality international research experience in Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.
National Science Foundation (NSF) — East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute (EAPSI) for U.S. Graduate Students EAPSI provides U.S. graduate students in science and engineering with a summer research experience in Australia, China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore or Taiwan.
National Science Foundation — Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP) The National Science Foundation's Graduate Research Fellowship Program provides 3 years of graduate support to students in the early stages of pursuing a research-based master's or Ph.D. degree in an NSF-supported discipline.
National University of Ireland (NUI) — Galway Doctoral Scholarship Scheme The College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Celtic Studies at the National University of Ireland, Galway offers postgraduate scholarships to support full-time PhD research within the Structured PhD programs of the College.
National Women's Studies Association (NWSA) — Conference Travel and Registration Grants NWSA conference travel and registration grants are offered to presenters in need financial assistance to attend the conference.
National Women's Studies Association (NWSA) — Graduate Scholarship Award NWSA awards $1,000 to a student in the research or writing stages of a master's thesis or PhD dissertation in women's studies. Awards are also offered by the Women of Color and Trans/Gender-Variant Caucuses.
Native Forward Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships Native Forward is the only national non-profit organization dedicated to aiding Native American students in all fields of study.
Nurses Educational Funds (NEF) Graduate Nursing Student Scholarships Scholarships to support for graduate nursing education at the master's and doctoral levels.
NYC Teaching Fellows Program The NYC Teaching Fellows program recruits and prepares high-quality, dedicated, and diverse individuals to become teachers who raise student achievement in the New York City classrooms that need them most.


Pathways to Science Database (Institute for Broadening Participation (IBP)) The Institute for Broadening Participation's (IBP's) Pathways to Science website provides a searchable database of undergraduate and graduate (master's and doctoral) scholarships, fellowships, summer research experiences, and conference travel funds in the sciences, mathematics, social sciences, and business, as well as in the arts and humanities. Its website also features webinars and professional development materials for students applying to doctoral programs. This guide covers the types of fellowships that support the PhD, explains how they work, provides key steps to landing one, and includes a list of 25 fellowship databases.
Phillips Exter Academy — Writer in Residence (George Bennett Fellowship) The George Bennett Fellowship is a Writer-in-Residence program that provides time and freedom from material considerations to a person seriously contemplating or pursuing a career as a writer. The program offers a living stipend, plus housing and meals to a writer of exceptional promise for one academic year so that she or he can complete a project for publication.
Point Scholarship The Point Scholarship Program provides tuition, living expenses, and mentoring to outstanding lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender undergraduate and graduate students in any discipline.
Princeton — Hodder Fellowship The Hodder Fellowship is awarded to artists and writers of exceptional promise to pursue independent projects at Princeton University during the academic year. Hodder Fellows are provided the “studious leisure” to undertake significant new work.
Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) — Fellowship and Junior Summer Institutes Program The PPIA Junior Summer Institutes (JSI) is an intensive seven-week summer program that focuses on preparing students for admission into the top graduate programs in public and international affairs, and careers as policy professionals, public administrators and other leadership roles in public service.


Rangel International Affairs Program Graduate Fellowship Rangel Fellows receive funding for a two-year master's degree in international relations or a related field, an internship in congress and with an embassy abroad, professional development activities, and entry into the Foreign Service.The Program aims to increase the presence of persons from groups underrepresented in the Foreign Service.
Rhodes Scholarship A Rhodes Scholarship makes possible two or three years of study at Oxford University in any field. Selection criteria for this highly prestigious program are proven intellectual and academic achievement, integrity of character, interest in and respect for others, the ability to lead, and the energy to use one's talents to the full.


San Jose State — Steinbeck Fellowship The Steinbeck Fellowship, given annually to two to three recipients, is one-year residency at San José State University which includes a stipend of approximately $10,000. Fellows must live in the Bay Area during the residency and give one public reading each semester.
Scholarships for Students with Disabilities .
Soros Fellowships for New Americans The Soros Fellowships for New Americans program honors the contributions of immigrants and children of immigrants to the U.S. Each year, it invests in the graduate education of 30 New Americans—immigrants and children of immigrants—who are poised to make significant contributions to U.S. society, culture or their academic field. Each Fellow receives up to $90,000 in financial support over two years, and joins a lifelong community of New American Fellows with origins in over 75 countries.
Stanford University — Stegner Fellowship Unique among writing programs, Stanford University offers ten two-year fellowships each year, five in fiction and five in poetry.
Summer Research Opportunities and Internships in Biology List (Columbia U) Links to internships and summer research experiences in biology, marine biology, ecology, and environmental sciences.
Summer Research Opportunities for Undergraduates List (UC Berkeley) Consult this list, maintained by UC Berkeley, for summer research opportunities offered to undergraduates from any U.S. institution.
Summer Research Programs in STEM Fields List (Pathways to Science) Find program links for summer research science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) programs across the country. Most opportunities are for undergraduates, but some programs support graduate students.


Ten Thousand Degrees — Child Care Scholarships 10,000 Degrees administers child care scholarships up to $12,000 per child for student-parents who are residents of Marin County and enrolled in college.
Ten Thousand Degrees — New Leader Scholarship The New Leader Scholarship provides up to $8,000 in aid to extraordinary upper division undergraduates in Bay Area public universities who are from disadvantaged backgrounds and pursuing or planning to pursue advanced education in the social sciences, human services, health-related fields, public interest law or public service. Applicants for a graduate level scholarship must have been a prior New Leader Scholar at the undergraduate level.
Truman Scholarship The Harry S. Truman Scholarship awards highly prestigious merit scholarships of up to $30,000 to college juniors with exceptional leadership potential who are committed to careers in government, the nonprofit or advocacy sectors, education or elsewhere in public service for graduate or professional school in the U.S. or abroad.


UC Davis — Research Experience for Undergraduates Program in Physics During this ten-week program students work alongside physics faculty and graduate students on ongoing research projects.
UC Davis — School of Law King Hall Outreach Program (KHOP) The King Hall Outreach Program is an intensive law school preparation program over its summer and winter sessions.
UC Irvine — Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) During this eight-week program undergraduates and master's students from all academic fields work closely with faculty mentors on research projects.
UC Riverside — Mentoring Summer Research Internship Program (MSRIP) This summer research program is designed to increase the number of outstanding students from diverse backgrounds who pursue the Ph.D. by strengthening their academic and professional development for admission to the U.C. system and universities nationwide.
UCLA — Summer Research Programs (GD SPUR) This website provides a quick index of participating summer programs at UCLA for undergraduates, and in some cases graduate students.
Udall Foundation — Native American Congressional Internships Ten week summer internship program in Washington, D.C., for Native American and Alaska Native students who wish to learn more about the federal government and issues affecting Indian Country.
Udall Foundation — Undergraduate Scholarship The Udall Foundation provides $4,000 merit based scholarships and sponsors a Scholars Conference to educate and empower a new generation of Americans to preserve and protect their heritage through environmental studies, and Native American health and tribal public policy.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities and Internships in Astronomy and Astrophysics List (American Astronomical Society) Consult this list, maintained by the American Astronomical Society, for undergraduate research and internship opportunities in astronomy and astrophysics.
Undergraduate Scholarships List (Opportunity Desk) This online platform provides helpful information on upcoming scholarships for undergraduates of various nationalities.
Undocumented Student Scholarships List (10,000 Degrees) Consult this list, maintained by 10,000 Degrees, for scholarships for which are undocumented students are eligible to apply. These scholarship and award programs either do not require citizenship information or are specifically targeted to undocumented students.
University of Illinois — Kate Neal Kinley Memorial Fellowship Three Fellowships will be awarded, one of approximately $20,000 in any field of music; one of approximately $20,000 in architectural design and history, art and design, theatre, dance, or instrumental or vocal music; and one of approximately $9,000 in art, architecture, dance, landscape architecture, theatre, or urban and regional planning.