CSU – Dumke Fellowship

Please consult the program website to confirm details, including applicable deadlines.

For more information, visit the program website here

Program Description: 

This CSU Fellowship provides $1,400 for students in public policy, history, or economics to pursue archival research in CSU Special Collections, especially in American and California history, politics and economics, or other areas of California Studies.

Application Process: 

The application includes: (1) An Applicant Information Form; (2) A Personal Statement with the following information: (a) The applicant’s interest in American history and/or California history; politics and economics of California; or similar areas of California studies; (b) Any prior work in the areas listed above and how it relates to the State of California; (c) The anticipated focus of the research project and a clearly defined plan of study; (3) A Letter of Recommendation from an SF State faculty member; (4) Official or unofficial transcripts; (5) A completed Application Checklist.


Eligibility criteria are: (1) Being a graduate student in good academic standing and having a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA; (2) Being a graduate student in public policy, American history, economics, library science, archival management, or government; (3) Use of the award to pursue research projects in the Dumke Collection or other collections housed in the CSU archives at CSU Dominguez Hills, the Center for California Studies at CSU Sacramento, or other CSU special collections; (4) Demonstrated interest in American history and/or California history, politics or economics, or other areas of California Studies.

University Deadline: 

The campus deadline is in the Spring semester and announced each year early in that semester.

More information: 

For more information on the application process and this year's application deadline, email Dr. Joy Viveros, Director of the Fellowships Office.

Resources for Applicants

Why Should You Apply for a Fulbright?

Quick Links

Fellowships Office

Dr. Joy Viveros

Phone: 415.405.2128
Reception: Grad Stop, ADM 250 
1600 Holloway Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94132
Email: fellows1@sfsu.edu